
This research  analyzes the potential and development of Pulau Umang tourist resort which is an interesting tourist object in Banten, located in Sumur Village, Pandeglang Residence. This research aims to answer the question of research to know the potential that can be developed, the problem to be overcomed by local authorities in developing Pulau Umang and the attempt of the government to improve the promotion of  Pulau Umang. The writing of this thesis uses descriptive qualitative method to get the picture of information that is related to the feasibility study of the development of Pulau Umang tourist resort.  The method is used to collect the data is by distributing questionnaire and doing observations.  The data obtained are then analyzed in a qualitative manner and presented in descriptive way. The result of this research found that people both man and woman prefer to recommend Pulau Umang and Ujung Kulon National Park as an interesting destination for as marine tour product. However length of stay not more than 3 days and prefer the most convenient trasportation tour by air, which also has been arranged land recommended by researcher here in. This product prefered by the range of age from 25 up and level of education from Diploma 3, bachelor up.

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