
This research analyzes the influence of supervision of the principal towards the work motivation of the teachers of SMK Kartini Jakarta.  The research was conducted in May 2011.  The data used are primary data by distributing questionnaire to 30 teachers of SMK Kartini Jakarta.  To process the data the writer uses descriptive statistic analysis by counting the average scores and the deviation standard.  The normality of the data is then checked by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro Wilks test, the variant homogeneity checked by Levene test.  To see if there is a linear relation between the principal supervision and the teachers’ motivation the writer uses the analysis of correlation of product moment.  The contribution of the supervision of the principal is counted by the determination coefficient.  To make it easier the writer uses SPSS 17 and Excel 2007 softwares. From the analysis it is concluded that there is no significant difference in the opinions of male and female teachers in viewing the supervision of the principal and work motivation in SMK Kartini.  It is proven by the significant score which is more than 0.05.  The linear regression model shows the relation between the supervision of the principal and work motivation is  or  principal supervision. The score 12.270 shows that if the principal supervision is not done, the teachers’ motivation is 12.270.  The score b=0.892 means that if there is a one unit rise in the principal supervision the teachers’ motivation will rise 0.892 time. The teachers’ motivation is various if compared to principal supervision in SMK Kartini Jakarta.  The coefficient of correlation 0,75 shows that there is a linear strong relation between the supervision of the principal and work motivation in SMK Kartini.  The determination coefficient 55.6 % shows that the ability of principal supervision in explaining the variety of the teachers’ motivation is 55.6 % or it can be said that the supervision of the principal rises 55.6 %, there is a possibility that motivation will rise as well.  The remaining 45.4 % is influenced by other factors, namely competence, education, age, work experience, rewards given by the school and many others.

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