
This study analyzed the effect of several factors associated with Customer Satisfaction at Fraser Residence Sudirman Jakarta. These factors include reliability, assurance, empathy, and responsiveness form the next in the study functioned as independent variables to predict its impact on customer satisfaction are used as independent variables to predict its impact on customer satisfaction are used as the dependent variable. Religious studies conducted fi Fraser Residence Sudirman Jakarta. This study uses data derived from the distribution of questionnaires to employees, either on the variable Reliability (X1), variable Belief (X2), Empathy (X3), Tangible (X4), Responsiveness (X5). Data resulting from the spread of the questionnaire was analyzed using the statistical program SPSS version 17. Testing was conducted on the test validita and reliability, normality, homogeneity, multicollinearity, autocorrelation, regression, and the feasibility of the coefficient of determination. From the research results (R) of 0.946. Correlation of 0.946 between the variables proved that the reliability, assurance, empathy, tangible, and responsiveness are closely related and significant. The result showed determination coefficient of 89.49%, it is clear that the contributions made by the variable Reliability (X1), variable Belief (X2), Empathy (X3), Tangible (X4), Responsiveness (X5) to variable Y Satisfaction Customer (Y) of 89.49%, while the remaining 10.51% is influenced by other factors. Based on the results of the test "t" using real level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom nk-1 = 30-5-1 = 24, obtained ttabel of 1.711, this means thitung> TTable. Referring to the H0 hypothesis H1 is rejected, for the reliability of the variables, (X1) is 3.026 (significant 0.006). Variable confidence (X2) is 3.500, for the variable (X3) is 2104 (the significance of 0046), for Tangible variable (X4) is 2366 (the significance of 0026), for Responsive variable (X5) is 1.474 (significance 0153). Based on the partial test X variable individually incorporated into the model to test "t", found that the factors that influence consumer to customer satisfaction there are 4 factors: Reliability (X1), variable Belief (X2), Empathy (X3), Tangible (X4). Thus the final model showing the relationship between service quality with customer satisfaction are as follows: Y = 387X1 X2 +0358, +0209 +0362 X3 + X4. From the results of the study are based on the overall F test obtained Fhitung = 40 482> F table = 2.621 then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted it can be concluded that the variables X1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 significant effect on Y (Customer Satisfaction).

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