
The study focused on analyzing the correlations between the actions of implementing a CRM (Customer Relation Marketing) that converted into the form of AMP (Account Management Program) which specially designed and implemented by the REDTOP Hotel & Convention Center in its Marketing & Sales Department using the power of database as a solid foundation, and the productivity of room-nights from its corporate market. The secondary nominal data were taken from the real working forms that used by a Sales Person to manage and to control the actualization of the servicing plan that put in place to serve the corporate clienteles during a year, compared to the result of total room-nights produced by each clientele from 150 corporate accounts on the list of the AMP. Using a soft ware program called SPSS version 11.5, it was found that there is a strong correlation between the number of servicing activities and the increment of room-nights productivities from the corporate accounts. As well, to provide a necessary prove of evidence, a special design questionnaire had been distributed among 80 corporate accounts which had shown that the best 3 (three) reasons for choosing the REDTOP Hotel & Convention Center as their corporate hotel are because of the relationship with the sales person and other department’s employees. Those fact findings shown that the increment of productivity that directly leads to the increment of total revenue is strongly depending on the frequency and quality of Customer Relationship Marketing which are the interactions between employee-customer rather than focusing on selling hotel’s products.

File Jurnal (English)