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This study aims to analyze the relationship between the price of a Toyota Avanza with sales voplume. The research was conducted at PT. Toyota Astrido Jakarta Pondok Gede using secondary past data of the sales price of the car during 4 years. For descriptive statistical analysis the authors calculated the price and the average sales of Toyota cars every month for 4 years. Normality of data written by the Shapiro-Wilks test and the Kolmogorov Smirnov. Homogeneity of variance tested with Levene test. To determine the strength of the linear relationship between price and sales performed with Spearman rank correlation test and t test. With the real level of α = 5%, and the degrees of freedom (df) = n-2 was found in 2007 to 2010 accepted conclusion that the relationship between price to sales at Pondok Gede Astrido is real and inverted. If divided over four year based on quarterly obtained the conclusion that the relationship between price to sales at Pondok Gede Astrido real. If the price and sales data for four years to use each month, accepted the conclusion that the H_0 and H_1 rejected, so the relationship between price to sales at Pondok Gede Astrido not real. In 2007 the contribution given to lower the sales price in Pondok Astrido big is the remaining 55.20%, rest 44.80% influenced by other factors by 2008 the contribution given to lower the sale price is 29.70 rest 70.30% influenced by other factors in the year 2009 the contribution given to lower the sale price is 31.70 rest 68.30% influenced by other factors By 2010 the contribution given to lower the sale price is 26.52 rest 73.48% influenced by other factors in 2010.  If broken down by three quarterly beginning in 2007 - 2010 contribution given by the price in increased sales every three quarterly starting in 2007-2010 was 24.11% remaining 75.89% influenced by other factors. If broken down by each month starting in 2007 - 2010 contribution given by the price in increased sales every month starting in 2007-2010 was 2.22% the remaining 97.78% influenced by other factors. Other factors that influence sales at Pondok Gede Astrido a decrease and increase sales among other services, price competition, customer purchasing power and other factors that are not discussed in this study.

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